Please, click "here" to download a PDF file with the registration form,
Thank please fill it out and bring to our parish office before February 13.
Thank you!!!
The primary role of the Altar Server is to assist the priest in the celebration of the liturgy during Mass.
Because Altar Servers are so visible to the assembly throughout the liturgy, they have a unique opportunity to model how and when to sit, stand and kneel. When they sing with enthusiasm and pray from their hearts, they encourage others to do the same.
Of all the things that Altar Servers do during the Mass, perhaps none is more important than the good example they give to the assembly of how to pray with dignity and grace
To qualify to be an Altar Server you must be at least in the fourth grade level and be eager to serve the Lord generously.
All boys and girls in the fourth grade and above who have received First Communion are eligible to serve.
Applications are received in the fall and training sessions are conducted for new servers. All new applicants, once accepted must attend a training schedule.
Altar Servers’ Prayer after Mass
We invite all students to consider this great ministry for young people.
Deacon Jim McGovern at [email protected]
In this way you bring Christ’s presence to the world.