POPE JOHN STUDENTS ENTERING GRADES 8, 9, OR 10 MUST STILL REGISTER FOR CONFIRMATION AT YOUR HOME PARISH, OLL. THE CONFIRMATION MASS WILL BE CELEBRATED HERE AT YOUR PARISH. Your child will receive the curriculum during their regular theology class at PJ. They will not be in Religious Ed at the church. If you have not done so already, please register your PJ student immediately and submit the paperwork and only the $100 Sacrament fee to the PARISH office. Thank you! Questions: 973-729-6107
Advance sale discounted wristbands are available at www.campys.com. Save $7 on the unlimited ride wristband. Sale ends June 18 at Midnight. $23 online or $30 at the door--save nearly 25% NOW!!
Bishop Serratelli has granted us permission to lower the age of receiving Confirmation starting in the 2019-2020 school year to grade 8. Receiving Confirmation earlier will enable high school students to better participate in our parish community by serving as Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and Youth ministry to name a few. As next school year will be the transition year, provisions will be made to have grades 9 and 10 also confirmed here at Our Lady of the Lake. We trust this change will greatly benefit the young people of our parish.
MOVED TO FEBRUARY 2ND. - KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS WING DING AWARDS NIGHT - $10 per person, BYOB, Chicken wings, french fries, coleslaw, click for more information
On All Saints Day Eucharistic Adoration in our church will be from 11 AM to 6PM and will be concluded with Chaplet of Divine Mercy and Evening Prayers. All are welcome!
All Saints Day is this Thursday, November 1st. It is a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be at 8:30 AM (school children’s Mass at 9:30 AM) and 7:00 PM. Eucharistic Adoration will be from 11 AM to 6:00 PM.
If you wish to volunteer, please contact the parish office. All volunteers who work with our youth must consent to a background check and take a Virtus 'Protecting God's Children' workshop.
Raffle tickets for a 2019 Volvo and ShopRite gift certificates are still available for at the parish office until Friday, Sept 28th. Tickets are $10 each.
The Dinner/Silent Auction for the Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry will take place at the Lake Mohawk Country Club on Thursday, October 11th. Tickets are $60 per person. Tickets may be obtained at the parish office.
CYO Basketball registration has been extended. To sign up, go to the Lewis Gym at Rev. Brown School on Saturday, September 29th: Boys Grades 4 through 8 - (12 to 1 PM) Girls Grades 4 through 8 - (1 to 2 PM) Registration fee of $225 non-refundable to be made out to Our Lady of the Lake and paid upon registration. Uniforms are included. New players must bring baptismal certificate for parishioners, non-parishioners need to bring birth certificate. All documentation must be turned in with payment at registration. For more information - if you have any questions, please contact Scott Shepherd at (973) 670-2107 or email [email protected].
Don't Get Shipwrecked! Let Jesus be your Anchor! Come join our fun-filled week of VBS! August 6th - 10th 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. There's still room - register now!